
This site was developed by a Moderator of a regional herpes support group to help provide people with up-to-date, trustworthy information about dating with herpes.  If you have been recently diagnosed with genital herpes, you may be upset and confused and think your sex  life is over.  However, once you settle down and learn the facts, you will realize  that having genital herpes is not the end of the world, and it’s not the end of  your sex life or your social life.  You are not alone!

We encourage you to join a regional herpes support group or herpes social group near where you live in order to make friends, and get medical info and emotional support from other people who are in a similar situation.  For a list of regional herpes social and support groups all over the world, especially the US and Canada, go to:


For a list of popular Online Herpes Dating Services, go to: